That’s Hot: Paris Hilton Settles Hallmark Lawsuit

That's Hot: Paris Hilton Settles Hallmark LawsuitSocialite Paris Hilton has settled a lawsuit she filed against greeting cards manufacturer Hallmark over allegations the company used her image without permission.
Hilton sued the firm in 2007, claiming it used her picture and her signature catchphrase, “That’s Hot!”, without permission, on a card captioned ‘Paris’s First Day as a Waitress’.
Heirhead’s lawsuit claimed that Hallmark “wrongfully utilised [her] name and identity and, therefore damaging her rights of privacy and publicity, her exclusive property rights and her personal rights in and to the use of her name and likeness.”
The terms of her settlement weren’t disclosed, but word is she was looking for at least $500,000 in damages. Yeah, like she needs the dough!

That's Hot: Paris Hilton Settles Hallmark LawsuitSocialite Paris Hilton has settled a lawsuit she filed against greeting cards manufacturer Hallmark over allegations the company used her image without permission.
Hilton sued the firm in 2007, claiming it used her picture and her signature catchphrase, “That’s Hot!”, without permission, on a card captioned ‘Paris’s First Day as a Waitress’.
Heirhead’s lawsuit claimed that Hallmark “wrongfully utilised [her] name and identity and, therefore damaging her rights of privacy and publicity, her exclusive property rights and her personal rights in and to the use of her name and likeness.”
The terms of her settlement weren’t disclosed, but word is she was looking for at least $500,000 in damages. Yeah, like she needs the dough!
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