Roger Hargreaves in the seventy-sixth anniversary (photos)

Roger Hargreaves in 76th "sponsored links" birthday (images) # fullpost {display: inline;}

"Happy birthday Roger Hargreaves of the seventy-sixth"

Another birthday year Roger Hargreaves. He died at age 53 in 1971 and this time when he created his character Mr. Guy first. His son Adam continued writing stories.

Mr. tickle was first 46 Mr. men books with 33 stories "little Miss" from 1981, Orange long armed character is featured in one of your day.

Roger Hargreaves in 76th "sponsored links" birthday (images) # fullpost {display: inline;}

"Happy birthday Roger Hargreaves of the seventy-sixth"

Another birthday year Roger Hargreaves. He died at age 53 in 1971 and this time when he created his character Mr. Guy first. His son Adam continued writing stories.

Mr. tickle was first 46 Mr. men books with 33 stories "little Miss" from 1981, Orange long armed character is featured in one of your day.

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