Ed Schultz Tells One Nation Rally 'Conservatives Are Holding You Down...Want Discrimination

Ed Schultz told the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C., Saturday that conservatives are holding the American people down and want discrimination.

"The conservative voices of America, they are holding you down," said Schultz. "They don't believe in your freedom. They want the concentration of wealth. They've shipped your job overseas...They suppress your vote."

Not sounding at all like a uniting force wanting "one nation," Schultz continued to disparage conservatives saying, "They talk about the Constitution, but they don't want to live by it. They talk about our forefathers, but they want discrimination" (video follows with transcript and commentary): 

Ed Schultz told the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C., Saturday that conservatives are holding the American people down and want discrimination.

"The conservative voices of America, they are holding you down," said Schultz. "They don't believe in your freedom. They want the concentration of wealth. They've shipped your job overseas...They suppress your vote."

Not sounding at all like a uniting force wanting "one nation," Schultz continued to disparage conservatives saying, "They talk about the Constitution, but they don't want to live by it. They talk about our forefathers, but they want discrimination" (video follows with transcript and commentary): 

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